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Tomas Grönstedt
Assistant professor
Division of Thermo and Fluid Dynamics

Development of methods for analysis and optimization … (My Ph.D. thesis)
The thesis describes the development of GESTPAN, a generic system for the design,
steady-state and transient gas turbine simulation.
Download complete thesis (full thesis)

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Do it yourself jet engine March 20, 2004
Take the opportunity to design and evaluate the performance of the W1 turbojet engine: a pioneering engineering achievement (this is a must for any true nerd).


FORTRAN is still the choice of the hardliner February 20, 2004
barf [ba:rf]  2.  "He suggested using FORTRAN, and everybody barfed."
                    - DICTIONARY OF NEW ENGLISH (Second edition) 


Code for AIAA 2004-4175 paper