Experimental database of single pulsed impinging jets

LES of flow above a forest
Measurement with a thermal camera

PhD student: Mirko Bovo
Examiner, Co-supervisor: Ingmar Denbratt
Supervisor: Lars Davidson
Cooperation: Volvo Cars, Volvo Trucks
Sponsors: Swedish Energy Agency, Volvo Cars, Volvo Trucks
Publications: [1-2]
Start of project: March 2008

This work focuses on the heat transfer and flow field resulting from a single pulse impinging jet. The size, time scale and jet characteristics are relevant to automotive diesel injection process. We present an experimental study of pulsed jet impingement. The pulse jet impinges on a flat surface at different angles (0o, 30o, 45o, 60o) and a 90o rounded edge.


Experiments are performed deploying various techniques to record the event; PIV for the flow field, high acquisition rate thermocouples and infrared camera for surface temperature.

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  1. Bovo, M. and Rojo, B.
    "Single Pulse Jet Impingement on Inclined Surface, Heat Transfer and Flow Field," SAE Technical Paper 2013-24-0003, 2013, doi:10.4271/2013-24-0003. Get article at publisher's www page
  2. Bovo, M., Rojo, B. and Golubev, M.
    "Measurement of a Single Pulse Impingement Jet. A CFD Reference", Experimental Fluid Mechanics, EFM13, 2013.
    View PDF file
  3. Bovo, M., Davidson, L.
    Using LES to replicate an experimental study of single-pulse impinging jet, to be submitted for journal publication

This page, Experimental database of single pulsed impinging jets, should be part of a frames system at www.tfd.chalmers.se/~lada/projects/proind.html
Ingalena Ljungström