import numpy as np import as sio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) ni=66 nj=49 nk=66 # read u1 & transform u1 to a 3D array uvw = sio.loadmat('u1_hybrid.mat') tt=uvw['u1_hybrid'] u3d= np.reshape(tt,(ni,nj,nk)) u3d=np.swapaxes(u3d,0,2) # x coordinate direction = index i, first index # y coordinate direction = index j, second index # z coordinate direction = index k, third index # compute average u by averaging in x (i) and z (k) directions umean=np.mean(u3d, axis=(0,2)) # face coordinates yc = np.loadtxt("yc_hybrid.dat") y=np.zeros(nj) for j in range(1,nj-1): y[j]=0.5*(yc[j]+yc[j-1]) y[nj-1]=yc[nj-1] yplus=y*8000 #************ U fig1 = plt.figure("Figure 1") plt.clf() #clear the figure plt.semilogx(yplus,umean,'b-') plt.ylabel("$y^+$") B=5.2 kappa=0.4 # find y+=30 ulog=np.zeros(nj) for j in range(1,nj-1): ulog[j]=np.log(yplus[j])/kappa+B if yplus[j] < 30 and yplus[j+1] > 30: jj=j plt.plot(yplus[jj:nj-1],ulog[jj:nj-1],'+') plt.axis([1, 8200, 0, 31]) plt.xlabel("$U^+$") plt.savefig('u_log_python.eps')