import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.signal import welch, hanning plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) # ***** read u data = np.genfromtxt("u_time_interior.dat",comments="%") vi1_j1=data[:,0] vi2_j1=data[:,1] vi3_j1=data[:,2] vi4_j1=data[:,3] vi1_j2=data[:,4] vi2_j2=data[:,4] vi3_j2=data[:,4] vi4_j2=data[:,4] # write(67,25)phi(17,10,k,v),phi(25,10,k,v), # . phi(35,10,k,v),phi(45,10,k,v), # . phi(17,30,k,v),phi(25,30,k,v), # . phi(35,30,k,v),phi(45,30,k,v) # time step dt= 6.250E-04 t_tot=dt*len(vi1_j1) t = np.linspace(0,t_tot,len(vi1_j1)) #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% plotting section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # plot v fig1 = plt.figure("Figure 1") plt.clf() #clear the figure plt.plot(t,vi1_j1) plt.plot(t,vi3_j1,'r--') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('v') plt.savefig('') #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% auto correlation %%%%%%%%%%%%%% fig2 = plt.figure("Figure 2") plt.clf() #clear the figure a=0.954 b=(1-a**2)**0.5 # a=exp(-dt/T) T=-dt/np.log(a) # take the auto corr over 'imax' time steps imax=500 two_a=np.zeros(imax) for i in range(0,imax-1): t1=t[i] two_a[i]=np.exp(-t1/T) two=np.correlate(vi1_j1,vi3_j1,'full') # find max nmax=np.argmax(two) # and its value two_max=np.max(two) # two_max is symmwetric. Pick the right half and normalize two_sym_norm=two[nmax:]/two_max # compute integral length scale T_int=0 for ii in range(0,imax): if two_a[ii] < 1e-6: break T_int=T_int+two_a[ii]*dt print('Prescribed time scale at interface= ',T) print('Integral time scale at node(i3,j1)= ',T_int) plt.plot(t[0:imax],two_a[0:imax],'b-') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('two') plt.axis([0,0.03,-0.1,1]) plt.savefig('')