import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.signal import welch, hanning #from autocorr import autocorr plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) def autocorr(x, twosided=False, tapered=True): import numpy as np # """ Return (lags, ac), where ac is the estimated autocorrelation function for x, at the full set of possible lags. If twosided is True, all lags will be included; otherwise (default), only non-negative lags will be included. If tapered is True (default), the low-MSE estimate, linearly tapered to zero for large lags, is returned. """ nx = len(x) xdm = x - x.mean() ac = np.correlate(xdm, xdm, mode='full') ac /= ac[nx - 1] lags = np.arange(-nx + 1, nx) if not tapered: # undo the built-in taper taper = 1 - np.abs(lags) / float(nx) ac /= taper if twosided: return lags, ac else: return lags[nx-1:], ac[nx-1:] # ***** read u utime = np.genfromtxt("utime_backstep.dat", dtype=None) u1=utime[:,0] #x=3.3, y=0.037 u2=utime[:,1] #x=8.7, y=0.037 u3=utime[:,2] #x=18.7, y=0.037 u4=utime[:,3] #x=3.3, y=0.85 u5=utime[:,4] #x=8.7, y=0.85 u6=utime[:,5] #x=18.7, y=0.85 u7=utime[:,6] #x=-3.94, y=1.017 v1=utime[:,7] #x=3.3, y=0.85 v2=utime[:,8] #x=8.7, y=0.85 v3=utime[:,9] #x=18.7, y=0.85 t=utime[:,10] # time n=len(u1) imax=700 u1_fluct=u1-np.mean(u1) u2_fluct=u2-np.mean(u2) v1_fluct=v1-np.mean(v1) u1_fluct_var=np.var(u1_fluct) two_uu_1=np.correlate(u1_fluct,u1_fluct, mode='full')/u1_fluct_var # below I compute the two-p corr. # but since itäs very slow, I've commented the lines #max=700 #nstep=len(u1_fluct) #my_two=np.zeros(imax) #ii=0 #for tau in range (0,imax): # time seperation #for it in range (0,nstep-imax-2): #ii=ii+1 #i0=it+tau #my_two[tau]=my_two[tau]+u1_fluct[it]*u1_fluct[i0] # #my_two=my_two/my_two[0] #normalize _uu_t so that two_uu_t(1)=1 # two=np.correlate(u1_fluct,u1_fluct,'full') # find max nmax=np.argmax(two) # and its value two_max=np.max(two) # two_max is symmwetric. Pick the right half and normalize two_sym_norm=two[nmax:]/two_max lags, auto_x = autocorr(u1_fluct) #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% plotting section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # plot autocorr fig1 = plt.figure("Figure 1") plt.plot(t[0:imax],two_sym_norm[0:imax],'b-') #plt.plot(t[0:imax:10],my_two[0:imax:10],'ro') plt.plot(t[0:imax],auto_x[0:imax],'g-') plt.xlabel('separation') plt.axis([0, 2 ,0 ,1]) plt.title('two-point correlation') plt.ylabel('2-p') plt.savefig('')