import as sio import numpy as np import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) plt.interactive(True) # Channel flow data=np.loadtxt("chan_data.dat", comments="%") ni=199 # number of grid nodes in x_1 direction nj=15 # number of grid nodes in x_2 direction v1=data[:,0] #don't use this array v2=data[:,1] #don't use this array p=data[:,2] #don't use this array # transform the arrays from 1D fields x(n) to 2D fields x(i,j) # the first index 'i', correponds to the x-direction # the second index 'j', correponds to the y-direction v1_2d=np.reshape(v1,(nj,ni)) #this is v_1 (streamwise velocity component) v2_2d=np.reshape(v2,(nj,ni)) #this is v_1 (wall-normal velocity component) p_2d=np.reshape(p,(ni,nj)) #this is p (pressure) xp=np.loadtxt("xp.dat", comments="%") yp=np.loadtxt("yp.dat", comments="%") v1_2d=np.transpose(v1_2d) v2_2d=np.transpose(v2_2d) p_2d=np.transpose(p_2d) # Q1/1 ###################################################################### # find peak velocity at each x1 fig1,ax1 = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25,bottom=0.20) v1_peak=np.max(v1_2d,axis=1) plt.plot(xp,v1_peak,'b-') plt.xlabel('$x$') plt.ylabel('$v_{1,peak}$') plt.savefig('v1_peak.eps') # Q1/2 ###################################################################### # tau_wall = nu*dv_1dv_2 dudy=np.gradient(v1_2d,yp,axis=1) # viscosity for air nu=15.2e-6 # compute the wall shear stress at the upper wall. tau_w = nu*np.abs(dudy[:,-1]) #Index [-1] means last index. we take abs because we know that dudy < 0 near the upper wall # skin friction is tau_w/(0.5*U_in^2), see Eq. F.2 # U_in is constant at the inlet u_in=v1_2d[0,1] cf=tau_w/(0.5*u_in**2) # plot skin frition fig1,ax1 = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25,bottom=0.20) plt.plot(xp,cf,'b-') plt.xlabel('$x$') plt.ylabel('$C_f$') plt.axis([0, max(xp),0,max(cf)]) plt.savefig('cf.eps') # Q1/3 ###################################################################### # in the eBook, we define fully developed flow where dv1_dx1 < 0.01 at the center # find dv1_dv1 at the center. Center is here the first cell dv1_dx1_c=np.gradient(v1_2d[:,0],xp) # find where dv1_dx1_c = 0.01 xx=0.01; i1 = (np.abs(xx-dv1_dx1_c)).argmin() # find index which closest fits xx # it happens at xp[i1]=0.5 # Q1/4 ###################################################################### # compute omega_1 dv1_dx1,dv1_dx2=np.gradient(v1_2d,xp,yp) dv2_dx1,dv2_dx2=np.gradient(v2_2d,xp,yp) omega3=dv2_dx1-dv1_dx1 # find max index. # we expect it to be largest along the wall print('[i,j]', np.where(omega3 == np.amax(omega3)) ) # We get i=5, j=13 (i.e. near the wall) # Q1/5 ###################################################################### # the flow is irrotational at the inlet where v1=v_in and v2=0. We find that # dv1_dx2 is indeed zero but dv2_dx1 has small (non-zero) values.