import as sio import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) plt.interactive(True) nu=1/200 y_u=np.loadtxt("y_u.dat") x_2=y_u[:,0] v_1=y_u[:,1] ################################## Q1/1 #************ # velocity profile plot fig1,ax1 = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25,bottom=0.20) # plot the velocity profile plt.plot(v_1,x_2,'b-') plt.xlabel("$v_1$") plt.ylabel("$x_2$") ################################## Q1/2 # bulk velocity # integrate u_int=np.trapz(v_1,x_2) # divide by x_2_max u_bulk=u_int/x_2[-1] # Reynolds number: Re_H=u_bulk*x_2[-1]/nu print('ubulk',u_bulk,' Re_bulk',Re_H) # Here I create the Reynolds number with channel width. You may also create it # with the half channel widthm i.e. Re_h = u_bulk*x_2[-1]/2/nu/ ################################## Q1/3 # wall shear stress # dudy=np.gradient(v_1,x_2) # south wall tauw_s=nu*dudy[0] # north wall tauw_n=nu*dudy[-1] print('wall shear south wall',tauw_s) print('\nwall shear north wall',tauw_n) ################################## Q1/4 # # incompressible flow => diss = 2*mu*s_ij*s_ij # Fully developed channel flow: dudx=v=0 => s11=s22=0 # => diss = 2*mu*(s_12*s_12 + s_21*s_21) # rho=1 => mu=nu # s12=0.5*dudy s21=s12 diss=2*nu*(s12**2+s21**2) # plot dissipation fig1,ax1 = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25,bottom=0.20) plt.plot(diss,x_2,'b-') plt.xlabel(r"$\varepsilon$") plt.ylabel("$x_2$")