import as sio import numpy as np import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) plt.interactive(True) nu=15e-6 # Channel flow data=np.genfromtxt("channel_flow_data.dat", comments="%") ni=199 # number of grid nodes in x_1 direction nj=28 # number of grid nodes in x_2 direction x1=data[:,0] #don't use this array x2=data[:,1] #don't use this array v1=data[:,2] #don't use this array v2=data[:,3] #don't use this array p=data[:,4] #don't use this array # transform the arrays from 1D fields x(n) to 2D fields x(i,j) # the first index 'i', correponds to the x-direction # the second index 'j', correponds to the y-direction x1_2d=np.reshape(x1,(nj,ni)) #this is x_1 (streamwise coordinate) x2_2d=np.reshape(x2,(nj,ni)) #this is x_2 (wall-normal coordinate) v1_2d=np.reshape(v1,(nj,ni)) #this is v_1 (streamwise velocity component) v2_2d=np.reshape(v2,(nj,ni)) #this is v_1 (wall-normal velocity component) p_2d=np.reshape(p,(nj,ni)) #this is p (pressure) x1_2d=np.transpose(x1_2d) x2_2d=np.transpose(x2_2d) v1_2d=np.transpose(v1_2d) v2_2d=np.transpose(v2_2d) p_2d=np.transpose(p_2d) ## Q1/1. # the vorticity vector is defined as (see Eq. 1.12) # omega_i = eps_ijk dv_k/dx_j # omega_1 = eps_1jk dv_k/dx_j = eps_123 dv_3/dx_2 + eps_132 dv_2/dx_3= 0 # omega_2 = eps_2jk dv_k/dx_j = eps_231 dv_3/dx_1 + eps_213 dv_1/dx_3= 0 # omega_3 = eps_3jk dv_k/dx_j = eps_312 dv_2/dx_1 + eps_321 dv_1/dx_2= dv_2/dx_1 - dv_1/dx_2= dudy=np.gradient(v1_2d,x2_2d[1,:],axis=1) dvdx=np.gradient(v2_2d,x1_2d[:,1],axis=0) omega_3 = dvdx-dudy # the wall vorticty flux (see text below Eq 4.24b) omega_3_flux=-nu*np.gradient(omega_3,x2_2d[1,:],axis=1) #************ fig1,ax1 = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25,bottom=0.20) xx=0.01 i1 = (np.abs(xx-x1_2d[:,1])).argmin() # find index which closest fits xx plt.plot(omega_3[i1,:],x2_2d[i1,:],'b-') print('wall vorticiy flux at x=0.01: bottom wall: ',omega_3_flux[i1,0],' top wall: ', omega_3_flux[i1,-1]) xx=0.5 i1 = (np.abs(xx-x1_2d[:,1])).argmin() # find index which closest fits xx print('\nwall vorticiy flux at x=0.01: bottom wall: ',omega_3_flux[i1,0],' top wall: ', omega_3_flux[i1,-1]) plt.plot(omega_3[i1,:],x2_2d[i1,:],'r--') plt.ylabel('$x_2$') plt.xlabel(r'$\omega_3$') plt.savefig('omega_3.eps') ## Q1/2. # dissipation phi = 2 mu s_ij s_ij (Eq. 2.15) # diss = 2 mu (s11**2 + s12**2 + s21**2 + s22**2) dvdy=np.gradient(v2_2d,x2_2d[1,:],axis=1) dudx=np.gradient(v1_2d,x1_2d[:,1],axis=0) s11=dudx s12=0.5*(dudy+dvdx) s21=s12 s22=dvdx diss = 2*nu*(s11**2 + s12**2 + s21**2 + s22**2) #************ fig1,ax1 = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25,bottom=0.20) xx=0.01 i1 = (np.abs(xx-x1_2d[:,1])).argmin() # find index which closest fits xx plt.plot(diss[i1,:],x2_2d[i1,:],'b-') xx=0.5 i1 = (np.abs(xx-x1_2d[:,1])).argmin() # find index which closest fits xx plt.plot(diss[i1,:],x2_2d[i1,:],'r--') plt.ylabel('$x_2$') plt.xlabel('dissipation') plt.savefig('diss.eps') ## Q1/3. # pressure drop = (pressure at inlet) - (pressure at outlet) p_inlet=np.mean(p_2d[0,:]) p_inlet=np.trapz(p_2d[0,:],x2_2d[0,:])/x2_2d[0,-1] p_outlet=np.trapz(p_2d[-1,:],x2_2d[0,:])/x2_2d[0,-1] print('pressure drop: ',p_inlet-p_outlet)