1. How can you get remote access to a terminal window on another Linux computer? 2. How can you get information regarding flags to Linux-commands? 3. How do you initialize the OpenFOAM environment? 4. What is the purpose of the ~/.bashrc file? 5. What is an alias in Linux? 6. What does it mean to "source" a file in Linux? 7. What does the "ln -s" command do? 8. What does the "which" command do? 9. What does the "mkdir" command do, and what is the purpose of the "-p" flag? 10. What is the purpose of the curly brackets { and } in RegExp expressions? 11. What are the sub-groups of OpenFOAM "applications"? 12. What does the alias "run" do? 13. What sub-group of "applications" are blockMesh, checkMesh, and icoFoam? 14. What do >& and the final & do in "icoFoam >& log&"? 15. Is the output of the -help commands for icoFoam, blockMesh and chackMesh updated in the slides? What is missing? 16. Where is the paraFoam executable located? 17. What sub-group of applications do the foamTo[TAB] and foam*ToFluent commands belong to? 18. Which directories and files are needed to run the icoFoam solver? 19. What does the blockMesh utility do? 20. Which files are generated by the blockMesh utility, and what do they contain? 21. Which directories and files are generated by the icoFoam solver? 22. What is the dimensioned scalar "nu"? Hint: see dimensions. 23. What is meant by vertices, blocks, patches and edges in the blockMeshDict? 24. What kind of cells are generated by the blockMesh utility? 25. What does simpleGrading mean and what other alternatives are listed in the UserGuide? 26. What do the integer lists mean when defining patches in blockMeshDict? In what order should they be listed? 27. What is an empty patch, and how does it affect the solver? 28. Why isn't there a file named cells in constant/polyMesh? 29. What is the effect of setting "purgeWrite 2;" in system/controlDict? 30. What is the difference between tolerance and relTol in system/fvSolution? 31. What variables are solved for in the icoFoam solver, looking at the available files? 32. How are initial and boundary conditions set in OpenFOAM? Which files must be visited? 33. How can you change the word DILUPBiCG in the output (log-file) when running icoFoam? 34. How does relTol influence the output, by default in the cavity tutorial? 35. How can you use foamLog to plot the ClockTime? 36. What is the difference between paraFoam and paraview? 37. How do you read in the results of the foamToVTK utility in paraFoam/paraview? 38. What are the available options for the foamToVTK utility? 39. What is the difference between cell- and point-based representations of fields? Which one is the one used in collocated finite volume CFD? Why is there another alternative in the post-processor? 40. What is the expression in the paraview calculator to generate a vector field V= ( x, y, z ), where x/y/z are the Cartesian positions of each vector? 41. In which positions are glyphs of vector field located by default, and how does that correspond to collocated finite volume CFD? 42. What does the Linux command touch do? 43. Where can you find the UserGuide and ProgrammersGuide, in your installation and on the Internet? 44. For which solvers are there detailed written tutorials available in the UserGuide and ProgrammersGuide? Search in the list of contents. 45. Where in the installation can you find examples of how to set up cases for the solvers? For the utilities? 46. List the sequence of Linux commands that are executed through the Allrun script of the icoFoam tutorials. 47. What does this Linux command mean? find $WM_PROJECT_DIR -name \*Dict | grep -v blockMeshDict | grep -v controlDict 48. The foamDataToFluent utility requires a dictionary. What Linux command helps you find examples of such dictionaries? Hint: All dictionaries end with "Dict". Use RegExp (Google it: Wikipedia) to make Linux narrow your search results as much as possible. 49. Where can you find all the examples in the installation on the use of mapFields dictionaries? 50. Where can you find all the examples in the installation on the use of sample dictionaries? 51. Where can you find all the examples in the installation on the use of setFields dictionaries? 52. What is done each line on slide 108? 53. What is the output of the fieldMinMax functionObject for the pressure of the cavity case, at the final time step?